Sunday, May 10, 2009

the two aspects of myself i was trying to show in this portrait were mellow/relaxed and crazy/energetic. i chose blue for the mellow/rlaxed part of me because i picture blues in the catagory of not bright and in you r face and that is what i feel like when i see blue. i picked the color red for the crazy/energetic part of me because red is a very in your face color and that is sometimes what i am like when i get energetic. some of the dificulties i had when i was making this portrait was getting the colors to be different. for example, sometimes it was hard to get the hair and the skin color to look different and i would have to either add water to it or add white. also when i added white it got hard because sometimes i put to much white in and it would make the color to light and then i would have to mess around with the amount of color that i had to add to get it to be the right shade. another thing that was hard was getting the proportions of the mouth and the eyes and the placement of those things to be right. it was hard to make the eyes the same shape and in the same place on the side of the face. also it was hard to make the mouth the same length on each side of the face. the last thing that was hard was making the lines on the face so it didnt all look like the same color. if i could do something differently i would make the red side have darker colors so that you wouldnt be able to see the grid becuase it bothers me.


to make the sculpture the i made i printed out a picture of a monkey. i look at the colors of it and the way that it was standing. once i saw that i got wire and shpaed it in the way that the picture was like. then i went in the box and looked for items that were the color black because that was the color of the monkey that i had printed out. the sculpture represents my uncle. i chose a monkey because monkeys like to play and have fun and arent very serious. that is just like my uncle he isnt very serious or matuer at times. the reason there is no picture is because i got frustrated with it and it wasnt working so i threw it away.

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