Thursday, January 29, 2009

Henri Matisse
oil on canvas

my first impressions
when i first saw this painting was drawn to
it because i liked how he used so many different
colors and shades of colors to make this person.
my favorite part of this painting is the background
because it has many light colors that look very calm.

what i learned
this was painted in 1905. it was beleived that the woman
in this painting is henri matisse's wife Amelie. it is in the
san fransisco museum of modern art.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I See The Light Drawing

midnight campfire

the story i am trying to tell in my drawing is a time i went camping and we rosted
marshmellows. i used value in my drawing to show the shadows from the fire. the
most challenging aspect of making this drawing was the shadows. the most succesful
aspect of the drawing was the shadows.

Story Collage

smoothie explosion

the story i am trying to tell in my collage is when i was making a smoothie and
i forgot to put the lid on and it exploded everywhere. the most challenging aspect
of making this collage was picking the four colors that i could use but it was a little
easier because we could use diferent shades of the color. in my opinion the most
succesful aspect of my collage was the glass. i wasn't sure at first but then i realized
that trasing paper would give it the see through part of the glass.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Works Of Art I Know

Edward Hopper

first impressions:
when I first saw this picture i liked it a lot because it had colors that were not
right in your face they were toned down a bit. I also liked the story that it makes
of some people at night in a bar/diner. I like how he uses value to show what time
of dayit is. if you look at the windows in the background you can just barly see the outline
of the stores and the lights are all turned off which shows that it is night time.

what I learned:
this painting is one of the most well known peice of art made by Edward Hopper.
he made this after the attack on pearl harbor. after this event there was a feeling
of gloominess which is portrayed in this painting.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Works Of Art I Know

Thomas Cole
romantic landscape with ruined tower 1832

first impression:
when i forst saw this painting i was confused
on whether it was a happy or sad picture.
I thought this because in the corner there is
a dark stormy cloud and under it there is a
a ruined tower which all seems a little depressing
but then on the other side of the painting there is
a spot of sun. I like this painting because there is a
contrast in it.

what I learned:
Thomas Cole mostly painted landscapes but sometimes
painted allegorical scenes. Thomas Cole is known as the
founder of the Hudson River School. he also tried a little
work as an architect.

Works Of Art I Know

Harriet Powers
Bible quilt 1898
first impressions:
when I first saw this the first thing that i noticed was the black
box up at the top. I like how Harriet Powers tells many stories
in one piece of art. one thing that i noticed was that she used
only a couple of colors and that they were colors that were not
bright and more grays and browns. i think she choose this because
colors like gray and black are drab colors and most of her stories are
about slavery and you wouldn't normally use happy colors in those
kinds of situations.

what I learned:
Harriet Powers was a black slave. she would use tradditional applique
techniques to show legends, bible stories, and astronomical events.
only two of her quilts have survived but are concodered some of the
finest examples of southern quilting. you can see the originals in The
National Museum of American History and the Museum of Fine Arts