Monday, February 23, 2009


there were many things in art class that i enjoyed doing but one of my favorites was painting the two sides of our personalities. my favorite thing about this project was mixing the paints to try and get the right color and shade for the personality. another thing that i liked was that it was a very laid back time so we could talk and have fun but at the same time get work done.

one artist that i would like to study more on would be Andy Goldsworthy. i picked him because i really like his work. some of the things that i like about him is that he makes most of his stuff from stuff he finds out in nature. some of his art pieces that i like would be when he uses stones to make larger objects and when he uses different colors to make illusions.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

works of art i know

Andy Goldsworthy

my first impression:
when i first saw this sculpture the first thing
i noticed was that he was able to make something
look round with very rough surfaces. i like this
sculpture a lot because you can see how the shape
has been put together because of all the lines in it.
another thing that i liked about this was that all
the rocks were different sizes and that makes it
look a lot more interesting.

what i have learned:
Andy goldsworthy lives in a quarry. that is were
his house is located. he makes these egg shaped
sculptures with pieces of whinstone and sandstone
that have been left in the quarry. he is very interested
in the journey that the stone has been through.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Marcel Duchamp
nude descending a staircase no. 2
oil on canvas

first impressions:
when i first saw this picture and read
the name i looked at it and tride to picture
a person coming down a flight of stairs. after
a while of looking at it i still couldnt see it but
i still like it because it seems random but i like
the colors that he choose

what i learned:
this painting is one of the first paintings Marcels
first peice of work. this painting is supposed to
show the movment of a nude walking down the
steps. he submitted this painting to the cubist
Salon des Indépendants. it is in the phildelphia
museum of art.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

works of art i know

Frida kahlo
Autorretrato con Collar de Espinas y Colibrí
oil on canvas

first impressions:
when i first saw this painting i liked it because
of the colors in it. i like how she is in front of the
green leaves and there are two black animals in
the background. another thing that i like is the
flowers with the wings. at first i thought it was
wierd but after i looked at it for a while i started
to like them.

what i have learned:
Frida Kahlo relates the different animals and colors
to a perticular time in her life.